Monday, August 24, 2009


Much has been said about this transport system in recent years. The career that I study (sociology) has been involved in this discussion, precisely because sociologists can say one of the things that failed in the Transantiago was the sociological observation beyond the mathematical and statistical models that the system was based, and obviously they were wrong.
An interesting aspect of Transantiago, which has been called by some as the worst public policy, is that it is a combination of neoliberal policies and regulations of the third world, and the result has been particularly damaging to the lower class.
No doubt the system has some advantages: it pollutes less and the payment system is faster, although I don't like the prices of transport. In other countries it's much cheaper and has a much better service. Another good thing about it is that some lines are running all night, and that drivers are working in better conditions.
Their problems are known: it has very few machines, so there are few buses operating on the periphery of Santiago, where humble people live. In addition, the system is made so that people go standing and not seated, which I think is absurd. And as if this were not enough, spoiled the Metro, wich was the best transportation system in Chile.
I think the best option to improve the Transantiago is nationalizing avoiding that it becomes a business, become a worthy service to the people of Chile.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Post 2: A country I would like to visit

The country that I most want to visit is Cuba. Besides being a paradise island, have very good hotels and a lively nightlife, the people who live there is special to me. Why? Simply because they live in a social and economic model very different, and in my opinion is much better than our sistem (53).
I know many people who live there and they have much more cheerful and funny character, moreover than being more sensitive and concerned about social problems of their country and the rest of the world (87). On the other hand, cubans are people influenced by the socialist ideology, wich can be bad for some people, but in my opinion is somethinf that has positively impacted their culture, because it implies that they are caring and concerned about the comunity rather than his own (134), against what preaches liberal ideology.
Despite this, there is something that I wouldn't like about travel to Cuba: travel as a tourist because it would be seen their reality, yet still there, from afar and not in the flesh (173). And I don't like the social tourism. For that reason, if I were traveling to cuba, Ideally i want go to study there for a long time, or at least go to live some years (208).

Post 1: Good and bad points during the first term of 2009

During my first term of 2009 I did many things.
In my career of sociology, I studied stratification and social structure, both very useful things for researching, for conducting social interventions and for making public policy. Wathever, I've drunked with my classmates almost everyday in the Juan Gomez Millas' grass (51). Besides, I took up my favorite sport: the skateboarding. I had stopped it for more than four years, and mainly because it was too expensive. However, a friend gave me a skateboard and I recovered my practice within a few days.(92)
Some of the bad things that I lived in the first term was the stress caused by the mix of academic and extracurricular activities, and my notes declined because it but, in any case, I learned to work under pressure (122).
Between good and bad things, I would mention the fact that I started to work. The good thing is that I started earning money to not depend on anyone, but at the same time I have much less free time than I would. My job is to survey to parents of different schools to identify the reasons they have to choose their children' schools(186). I hope this semester can rest more, considering it's my last year of classes everyday.(201)